Affirmation Guru
An experiment to give you affirmations on any subject or desire.
Various thoughts and projects i want to elaborate on
An experiment to give you affirmations on any subject or desire.
Why include AI in the process…? Because it’s too late not too and there is no turning back…
Outlaws of Puerto
What cults have you stepped into lately? Which lessons did you extract? And was it worth the price? The path towards wisdom is lonely. The reward itself brings the next challenge. And only from the deepest darkness can you come out with a source of light. Truth exists. Nature has
Marmolina is a marble sand mixture. I'm hoping to help this local artist by promoting and selling his hand-crafted sculptures. If you're interested reach out! I'll share some more details on him and his work soon. He currently makes these pieces with his kids
This next escape seems to hold a different kind of weight... Like I'm changing the destination of the title Home When I reflect deeper I notice that Canada never quite felt Home-like It lacked a welcoming warmth, it lacked cultural value, it lacked real interest for individual thinking
The education systems layers from a zoomed-out level goals might be as follows Primary level education - to introduce us to the formalities and norms of the environment we landed in. Particularly human society and culture. Secondary level education - to introduce us to culture in the new light of
I started reading Against Everything. [https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/536067/against-everything-by-mark-greif/] .. really enjoyed the first one on exercise... funny, witty, hits close enough to home... luckily for me it narrowly missed my interactions with excersie... which do more closely resemle the athenian gymnasiums referenced.... I've always been
It's a sad day my return to Canada A country of empty hope... Promises that come with hidden costs... How many have been mislead? Multicultural bleach Impersonal politeness Cordial disgust Spineless bodies propped up on a skeleton of idealism They want to tell me who I am? Interpret
Amigos :) It's starting to dawn on me that I'm leaving this paradise soon... for a undetermined amout of time... probably florida, toronto, eu, before i return... let's predict... mid of next year? I’m gonna find a portal out of this vortex of surf
Anyways I need you to start immediately... The job requirements look like this...
This article will aim to highlight the biggest offenses committed by the Canadian response to Covid-19. My particular focus is on the infringement of rights and freedoms. On coercion and intimidation. On false and inaccurate reporting. I'll start by defining my expectations from a free democratic society.... Which