I owe you my life
Do i?
You struggled to make this?
A body! A world? Electricity!
The wheel? Sliced bread?
You discovered fire?
To share with me?
What do i owe for your generosity?
I owe you my life
Do i?
You struggled to make this?
A body! A world? Electricity!
The wheel? Sliced bread?
You discovered fire?
To share with me?
What do i owe for your generosity?
🇷🇴(Romanian below + audio) With her big hats crowned with fresh flowers from her garden and her bright white dresses that fluttered like wings, she moved as if she were floating just above the ground, as if she were part angel, part queen from a realm lost to time.
Fiecare potecă pe care pășea îl aducea mai aproape de acea certitudine că viața, adevărata viață, nu se măsoară în succese, în titluri sau averi, ci în clipa prezentă, în momentul în care îți simți sufletul viu, conectat la marile energii ale Universului.
Reflecting on Insight IV - 29 days of personal development, focused routines, presentations, sharing, exercises, collaborations, and exploration.
(Spanish) Article describing my journey with Insight Seminars until now