Thinking Addicts Anonymous
A novel

A novel
Takes place in the near future
Robots are doing most of the work
AI optimizers our lives
We found a solution to clean up the garbage of the previous generations
The planet is hot and cold
Most countries have turned over to universal income
Others have reduced their population
Our main character is a gender fluid pansexual with body art and hippie style
She’s a new type of gorgeous
Everyone loves her and wants her time
To go on adventures
Hikes, rides, trips, thrills
Coffee dates galore
Movies and dinners
Yoga and ceramics classes
The leisure economy
Pleasure is money
The more you do things you enjoy
The more you love sharing, caring, and failing
The apps reward you
And guide you
To new activities
Your heart rate is tracked
You temperature
Your voice
The motion of your eyes
Everything has been optimized to suit you
And please you
Why wouldn’t you want company?
The Bluetooth connects you instantly to people you’re thinking of
Bluemind network
You can feel their pulse
You can call and check in
A full body experience
A full mind connection
Some things come standard
Choose your operating system
Choose your style
Apple and Microsoft are compatible
Linux gives you some more freedom they say
But when the hardware glitches it takes you a while to load
Some experience don’t allow you in without the right mod
It’s complicated for me to figure out
I stick with iOS