Rethinking Time
Building a Universal Calendar Interface
Building a Universal Calendar Interface
As the century drew to a close, the fight for humanity’s creative soul reached its peak. The Veil’s grip tightened, but so did the Echo Coders’ resolve. They aimed to reverse the infiltration, not through war, but by reclaiming the purity of human imagination—a force even the Veil could not predict.
Putting this post up so I can share more easily instructions to friends coming for the first time to try Brazilian Jiujitsu BJJ at La Colonia.
This piece is an invitation to pause, reflect, and perhaps explore what it means to trust your own inner compass in the face of uncertainty.
As I continue to work towards publishing a novel. I decided to create some narrative content to mix in with the poems and images that I'm working with. Consider supporting me with this project by sharing it with someone who would enjoy it. A draft chapter about my
A little morning wander
An experiment to give you affirmations on any subject or desire.
🇷🇴(Romanian below + audio) With her big hats crowned with fresh flowers from her garden and her bright white dresses that fluttered like wings, she moved as if she were floating just above the ground, as if she were part angel, part queen from a realm lost to time.
Fiecare potecă pe care pășea îl aducea mai aproape de acea certitudine că viața, adevărata viață, nu se măsoară în succese, în titluri sau averi, ci în clipa prezentă, în momentul în care îți simți sufletul viu, conectat la marile energii ale Universului.
Reflecting on Insight IV - 29 days of personal development, focused routines, presentations, sharing, exercises, collaborations, and exploration.
(Spanish) Article describing my journey with Insight Seminars until now
Adi's trading strategy for NASDAQ day trading focuses on high-probability, short-term trades. Here are the key elements of his approach: 1. Pre-Market Analysis: He begins by analyzing pre-market activity to identify stocks with significant movement or volume. 1. Screening for Movers: * Gappers: Adi starts by looking for "
I’m working again through my creative recovery with The Artist Way… this time not because I was blocked but because I felt I wasn’t flowing as much as knew I could. This image was inspired by a moment that happened before starting this exercise again. I was sharing
For freedom's a journey, it's yours to reap, To begin again, just return to the peak.
Just a little post about my experience representing La Colonia in Mexico City. We had an amazing turnout with 18 participants and support from teammates and family numbering more than 30 in total. Maybe 40... I'm proud that I hit my goal to win my matches in under
i’m disconnected from the mainframe societal con game… i’m un vaxxed, un taxed, and sometimes i get my legs waxed… i’m unemployed and uninterested… i’m incompatible with 9 to 5… i’d rather lay on the beach and stay high
Well, some experiences are beyond words. Some concepts cannot be said… it is what it is. I had one of these transformational moments last week. This is just an attempt to scratch the surface of that experience. Join me on this journey, and let each word make ripples in your
Why include AI in the process…? Because it’s too late not too and there is no turning back…
To me it all relates back to liberty. Freedom to use the body. Freedom to express, to play, to live. And liberation to enjoy life without pain.
The Gene Keys is a system of self-discovery and personal transformation based on the idea that human DNA holds the key to our spiritual evolution. It is based on the concept of "gene keys," which are said to be specific patterns within our DNA that hold the potential
Outlaws of Puerto
Starting an organic garden can be a fun and rewarding way to grow your own food while also promoting sustainable living. Here are a few steps to help you get started: Determine the location: Choose a spot in your yard that gets plenty of sunlight and has well-draining soil. If
I find myself grateful for the trust and and encouragement to share my gifts
Outlaws of Puerto
What cults have you stepped into lately? Which lessons did you extract? And was it worth the price? The path towards wisdom is lonely. The reward itself brings the next challenge. And only from the deepest darkness can you come out with a source of light. Truth exists. Nature has
The energy dynamics of a self portrait… the peak and crash. Chasing recognition and being lovingly ignored.