Hire me...

I am coming out of retirement
I can be a teacher for you
Or a coach
A quick-money researcher
An investor
A recruiter
A networker
Your personal career guru

Fuck it... I can offer you a job...
I need something figured out
And you’re competent to get it done

The hours will be long... actually they don’t stop
And there’s no vacation for this position
The salary and benefits are pretty fixed

Anyways I need you to start immediately
The job requirements look like this...
You need to be able to write, brainstorm and be creative
To define the work of your dreams and the sacrifices you’re willing to make

To design a space
A workspace that inspires you has access to all the tools you need

And manage time...
To be there enough to accomplish your missions, and leave a legacy

I need you to know people...
What you like about them and the skills you can use
To support you with the things you’d rather avoid doing yourself

I need you to learn what people are worth
And what you are worth
So you can benefit from the agreements

This job is to design your work
Welcome to day 1.